Convera* Payment Form Help

Guide To Convera's Web Form


Walkthrough and explanation to help complete the Convera Payment Form.
This process is initiated by Solidigm™ Support, via a support case, under circumstances where a refund is required.

  • Avoid special characters like "#", "$" or "&".
  • Country-specific instructions.
  • The form times out if left unattended/takes too long.



  1. An email from Convera ( is sent to the Solidigm customer.
    • Check the "Spam" folder if it's not in the main inbox.
  2. Click the "Complete Payment Form" link.
    1. This will open the form in a web browser.
  • Contact Solidigm for help, NOT Convera.
  • Payment is made by "SK hynix NAND Product Solutions Corp."
  • Use the English version of the form and keyboard layout.
    • The form can be changed in the upper right.
    • The keyboard is changed in your Operating System.
  • PRC Requirements:
    • A Class I debit card is required for accounts in Mainland China.
    • Recommended to not use bank cards from:
      • Bank of China
      • China Merchants Bank
      • Everbright Bank
      • Agricultural Bank of China

Payment Request tab

  • Business ID is the RMA# received from Solidigm Support.
  • Click “Verify Account”.
    • This will populate the fields below.
  • Verify Name and Email are correct.
    • If so, click "Next".
    • If not, inform Solidigm agent.

Payee Details Tab (1 of 3)

  • Beneficiary Type is Business or Individual.
  • Payee Name must match the name of the account to be used.
    • PRC requirement; Use Chinese pinyin.
    • HK requirement; Use English
    • TW requirement; Use Wade-Giles romanization.
    • JP & KR requirement; use Roman/English characters.
    • Vietnam requirement; comma separate: Last Name, First Name.
  • Bank Country is what country your bank is in.
    • This selection may auto-select the Currency field (next)
  • Currency selected option must be accepted by your bank.
    • This may have auto-selected due to Bank Country selection.
    • Solidigm pays for currency exchanged through Convera.
    • Important: Make sure the Currency selected is accepted by the receiving bank. Otherwise, the bank may charge an exchange fee, at your expense.
  • Further Credit (Business Beneficiary Type ONLY, if applicable).
    • If a specific entity at the business is to receive the credit.
  • Click the "Next" button when complete.

Payee Details Tab (2 of 3)

  1. Enter the details for the recipient of payment in the Payee Details tab.
    1. Recall if the Beneficiary Type was Business or Individual.
  2. Click the "Next" button when completed.

Payee Details Tab (3 of 3)

There are two ways to complete step 3 of 3:

  • Enter Details (Manual Entry)
  • Search by Details (Public Information Lookup)

Payee Details Tab (3 of 3)A - Enter Details (Manual Entry)

The form opens on the “Enter Details” sub-tab, by default.

  1. Fill in the required information.
    1. SWIFT Code will be required if payment is international.
      1. Entering SWIFT code will autofill bank information.
  2. Click the "Next" button.

Payee Details Tab (3 of 3)B - Search by Details (Public Information Lookup)

Switching to the “Search by Details” sub-tab will allow public information to be entered automatically.

  1. Enter one of the following:
    • Bank Name and City.
    • Swift Code OR Routing Code.
  2. Click the "Search" button.
  3. Locate and select your bank.
    1. By clicking the check mark.
    2. You’re taken back to the "Enter Details" sub-tab.
  4. Enter your Account Number.
  5. Click the "Next" button.

Review and Submit

  1. Review the "Terms of Use" and "Online Privacy Statement"
    1. Check the box to agree.
  2. Click "Submit".

The screen will change, stating the request has been submitted.
Convera will send an email, confirming the successful submission.

  • Reply to the case/agent that the Payment Form is submitted.

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